'Counter Action (i)' uses red soil, black & white video projection, tailored white trouser suit, foundation cream, black wig, fake fingernails, knee stockings, fake eye lashes, a pair of white pinpoint high heels. The soil references a spiritual energy of connectedness people usually associate with being united to the earth. In the final stages of the performance the mound of soil in the space is treated as a burial ground. I bury my costume in the soil and traces of the imprints of where my body lay remains. The ceiling projection continues to project black and white photographs of weaponry from different time periods found around the world. During the performance I attempt to go into a state of meditation, the duration of the performance is unknown. Meditation as the highest form of emancipation is the key element of this work. How can we become one, go beyond the self and the other and reach a stage where we are everything and everything is us. A utopia where there would be no need for weapons or body armour for self-protection, through meditation finding an overarching space of acceptance.